The Beautiful Births of 2020

2020 has been a rough year on so many fronts, but families kept having babies, and I had the privilege to bear witness to so many beautiful births. I attended 18 births in 2020: There were twelve hospital births and six out-of-hospital births, including three home births and three birth centers, and three planned out-of-hospital births that transferred to the hospital. Of those eighteen births, all of them were vaginal births, not a single cesarean delivery this year. There were three VBACs, all of whom attempted a VBAC were successful, and one surrogate birth. I had the privilege to attend two repeat clients and one three-peat client. There were eight first-time parents, five second-time parents, four third-time parents, and one fifth-time parent. They were all special and meaningful in their own way.

Here’s to 2021 and more beautiful births on the way!

Hazel's Birth Story

Tricia and Eric were expecting their first baby, a little girl.  They planned to give birth at Natural Beginning Birth Center.  I came during the night when Tricia was in active labor, and she was laboring in the tub.  She was well-supported with her husband, doula, and midwife at her side. She was such a peaceful laborer, and had a such a calm environment.  She labored through the night trying many different positions.

laboring in the tub--austin birth photographer
hands of support--Austin birth photographer
the tub by candlelight--Austin birth photographer
a strong grip--Austin birth photographer
a doula's support--Austin birth photographer
laboring on the toilet--Austin birth photographer
laboring in the shower--Austin birth photographer
hip squeezes--Austin birth photographer

Finally, with the morning light shining in, it was time to push!

pushing in the morning light--Austin birth photographer

She pushed with all her strength to bring that baby down.  She tried several different pushing positions and techniques.

the birth roar--Austin birth photographer
pushing on hands and knees--Austin birth photographer
a kiss of encouragement--Austin birth photographer
tug of war--Austin birth photographer

Finally, exhausted after pushing for many hours, it was decided that it was time to transfer to the hospital.  This is such an emotional decision, but she was so lovingly supported and encouraged that she was making the right decision for her baby.

the decision to transfer--Austin birth photographer

The hospital is across the street, so the whole birth team walked over with a determination to see this baby being born.

the walk to the hospital--Austin birth photographer

Her doula lovingly set up her hospital space, and she enjoyed a nap with an epidural before beginning to push again.

pushing by candlelight--Austin birth photographer
pushing with the squat bar--Austin birth photographer

After pushing again for another few hours, it was time for baby to come.  A doctor joined us and assisted with a vacuum to bring baby down the rest of the way.

the crowning--Austin birth photographer

After all her hard work, Hazel finally made her appearance and is in mama's arms.  The new family rejoiced and dad bonded with his new little girl.  

in mama's arms--Austin birth photographer
Holding daddy's finger--Austin birth photographer
"you did it" kiss--Austin birth photographer
baby breastfeeding--Austin birth photographer

Radiant, yet exhausted, a full 24 hours later, mom finally achieved the fruit of her labor and had her baby girl in her arms. She worked so hard and was so brave and determined through all the changes in plans.  The depth of love and strength of a mother as she works to bring her baby earthside is unplumbed.  

the proud mama--Austin birth photographer

Congratulations Tricia and Eric! It was an honor to document your story!

The Triumphant Homebirth of Phoeniks Ezra

I had the privilege of attending a really beautiful homebirth for one of my former clients. I had worked with Andrea and Hector two years ago at the birth of their twins. While she had been hoping for a natural, vaginal birth for them, she developed pre-eclampsia and went into pre-term labor at 30 weeks, so it was decided that a cesarean was the safest way for them to be born. They were such tiny babies, and had to stay in the NICU for 53 days. Andrea's older daughter was also born prematurely when she had pre-eclampsia the first time.  These births were traumatic for her, and she desperately wanted to be able to avoid that if at all possible this time and have the homebirth she had dreamed of.  She took especially good care of her health and diet this time around and when she reached 35 weeks, still healthy, she was released from her high-risk status and got accepted with Central Texas Birth Center for a homebirth.  It was such a blessing as she reached full term, perfectly healthy.  Andrea's labor began on Friday evening with light contractions that continued through the night and much of the next morning.  By noon, they had picked up some, but they still seemed irregular and bearable, so her midwife decided to come check on her.  To everyone's surprise she was already 8 centimeters! I came shortly after, and Andrea was doing well, breathing through her contractions and making everything look easy.  It wasn't too long, and her water broke.  She got into her birth pool and had about three intense contractions and then the baby just slid out before anyone was quite ready.  Hector, who had been caring for one of their twins who had been sick, just made it into the pool and was able to catch the baby.  Andrea kept remarking after the birth that "that really wasn't too bad."  It was a beautiful, gentle birth, with a completely healthy baby who was born right into their arms in the comfort of their own home. It was such a joy to witness and document this birth for this sweet family and see them have the birth that they had waited so long to have.


Andrea and Hector waited to find out the gender, and when he was born, they waited till everyone had gathered to look and to announce that "Its a boy!" He was immediately welcomed by the whole family, two big sisters, two big brothers, and grandmother.  His big sister had such a perfect response!


Yes, Phoeniks Ezra, you were indeed worth the wait!  Congratulations to Andrea and Hector and the whole family!  It was an honor to serve you in both of your births, and to rejoice now with you in the beautiful birth of this beautiful baby!